Publications in Journals-
Ferrer, C., Vallejos, R. (2025). Is the effective sample size always less than n? A spatial regression approach.
Statistics and Probability Letters 218, 110309.
Acosta, J., Vallejos, R., Osorio, F., Ellison, A., de Castro, M. (2024). Comparing two spatial variables with the probability of agreement.
Biometrics 80, ujae009. -
Gómez, J., Acosta, J., Vallejos, R., (2024). Correlation integral for stationary Gaussian time series.
Sankhya A 86, 191-214. -
Pérez, J., Acosta, J., Vallejos, R., (2023). Assessing the estimation of nearly singular covariance matrices for modelling spatial variables.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 17, 3287-3315. -
Osorio, F., Vallejos, R. , Barraza, W., Ojeda, S., Landi, M. (2022). Statistical estimation of the structural similarity index for image quality assessment.
Signal, Image and Video Processing 16, 1035–1042. Video Abstract -
Vidal, G., Yuz, J., Vallejos, R. , Osorio, F. (2022). Point-process modeling and divergence measures applied to the characterization of passenger flow patterns of a metro system.
IEEE Access 10, 26529-26540. -
Papaterra, M., Ojeda, S., Landi, M., Vallejos, R. (2021). Strategy for selecting a quality index for images.
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 13, 348-363. -
Vallejos, R., Acosta, J. (2021). Effective sample size for multivariate spatial processes with an application to soil contamination.
Natural Resource Modeling, 34, e12322. -
Acosta, J., Alegría, A., Osorio, F., Vallejos, R. (2021). Assessing the effective sample size for large spatial datasets: A block likelihood approach.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 162, 107282. -
Vallejos, R. , Pérez, J., Ellison, A., Richardson, A. (2020). A spatial concordance correlation coefficient with an application to image analysis.
Spatial Statistics 40, 100405. -
Vallejos, R. , Garate, A., Gomez, M. (2019). Comovement Among Returns of Private Chilean Pension System.
International Review of Applied Economics 33, 228-240. -
Vallejos, R., Buckley, H., Case, B., Acosta, J., Ellison, A.M. (2018) Sensitivity of Codispersion to Noise and Error in Ecological and Environmental Data.
Forests 2018, 9, 679. pdf -
Pistonesi, S., Martinez, J., Ojeda, S. M., Vallejos, R. (2018). Structural Similarity Metrics for Quality Image Fusion Assessment: Algorithms.
Image Processing On Line 8, 245-368. -
Acosta, J., Vallejos, R. (2018). Effective sample size for spatial regression processes.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 12, 3147-3180. -
Vallejos, R. , Yandun, F., San Martín, Escobar, V., Román, C., Auat Cheein, F. (2018). Assessing the estimation of trawling catches by using LiDAR sensor technology.
Ocean and Coastal Management 165, 99-108. -
Acosta, J., Vallejos, R. , Griffith, D. (2018). On the effective geographic sample size.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88, 1958-1975. -
Ojeda, S., Britos, G., Vallejos, R. (2018). An image quality index based on coefficients of spatial association with an application to image fusion.
Spatial Statistics 23, 1-16. -
Acosta, J., Osorio, F., Vallejos, R. (2016). Effective sample size for line transect models with an application to marine macroalgae.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 21, 407-425. -
Vallejos, R. , Mancilla, D., Acosta, J. (2016). Image similarity assessment based on measures of spatial association.
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 56, 77-98. -
Buckley, H., Bradley, S., Vallejos, R. , Camarero, J., Liang, E., Wang, Y., Elisson, A. (2016). Detecting ecological patterns along environmental gradients: alpine treeline ecotones. Chance 29, 10-15.
Bevilacqua, M., Vallejos, R. , Velandia, D. (2015). Assessing the significance of the correlation between the components of a bivariate Gaussian random field.
Environmetrics 26, 545-556. -
Vallejos, R. , Ojeda, S. (2015). A conversation with Oscar Bustos (with comments).
Chilean Journal of Statistics 6, 81-94. -
Vallejos, R. , Osorio, F., Mancilla, D. (2015). The codispersion map: a graphical tool to visualize the association between two spatial processes.
Statistica Neerlandica 69, 298-314. -
Vallejos, R. , Mallea, A., Herrera, M., Ojeda., (2015). A multivariate geostatistical approach for landscape classification from remotely sensed image data.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 29, 369-365. -
Vallejos, R. , Osorio, F., (2014). Effective sample size for spatial process models.
Spatial Statistics 9, 66-92. Video Abstract -
Cuevas, F., Porcu, E., Vallejos, R. (2013). Study of spatial relationships between two sets of variables: A nonparametric approach.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25, 695-714. -
Vallejos, R. , Batista, V.S., Fabré, N.N., Acosta, J. (2013). The application of a general time series model to floodplain fisheries in the Amazon.
Environmental Modelling and Software 48, 202-212. -
Acevedo, C., Cornejo, M., Olguín, Y., Vallejos, R. , Brown, D. (2013). Dehydrogenase enzymes associated to glycolysis 1 in beef carcasses stored at 0ºC.
Food and Bioprocess Technology 6, 1696-1702 -
Vallejos, R. (2012). Testing for the absence of correlation between two spatial or temporal sequences.
Pattern Recognition Letters 33, 1741-1748. -
Ojeda, S., Vallejos, R. , Lamberti, P. (2012). Measure of similarity between images based on the codispersion coefficient.
Journal of Electronic Imaging 21, 023019. -
Ojeda, S., Vallejos, R. , Bustos, O. (2010). A new image segmentation algorithm with applications to image inpainting.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 54, 2082-2093. -
Bustos,O.,Ojeda, S., Vallejos, R. (2009). Spatial ARMA models and its applications to image filtering.
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 23, 141-165. -
Bustos, O., Ojeda, S., Ruiz, M., Vallejos, R. , Frery, A. (2009). Asymptotic behavior of RA-estimates in autoregressive 2D gaussian processes.
Jounal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 3649-3664. -
Vallejos, R. (2008). Assesing the association between two spatial or temporal sequences.
Jounal of Applied Statistics 35, 1323-1343. -
Rukhin A., Vallejos, R. (2008). Codispersion coefficient for spatial and temporal series.
Statistics & Probability Letters 78, 1290-1300. -
Vallejos R., Garcia-Donato, G. (2006). Bayesian analysis of quarter plane moving average models.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 76, 131-147. -
Vallejos, R. , Mardesic, T. (2004) A recursive algorithm to restore images based on robust estimation of NSHP autoregressive models.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13, 674-682. -
Ojeda, S., Vallejos, R. , Lucici, M., (2002). Performance of Robust RA Estimator for Bidi- mensional Autoregressive Models.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 72, 47-62. -
Ojeda, S., Vallejos, R. , Lucini, M. (2001). Estimacion robusta en modelos para imágenes.
Información Tecnológica, 12, 139-144. -
Allende, H., Galbiati, J., Vallejos, R. (2001). Robust image modeling on image processing.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 22, 1219-1231 -
Allende, H., Galbiati, J., Vallejos, R. (1998). Digital image restoration using autoregressive time series models.
Bolletin European Spatial Agency, 434, 53-59.
Socha, J., Hawrylo, P., Tyminska-Czabanska, L., Reineking, B., L., Lindner, M., Netzel, P., Grabska-Szwagrzyk, E., Vallejos, R., Reyer, C. (2023).
Higher site productivity and stand age enhance forest susceptibility to drought-induced mortality.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341, 109680.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341, 109680.
Vallejos, R. , Osorio, F., Bevilacqua, M. (2020). Spatial Relationships Between Two Georeferenced Variables: With Applications in R.
Springer, Berlin. Video Abstract
Vallejos, R. , Ojeda, S. (2012). Image Segmemtation and Time Clustering Series Based on Spatial and Temporal ARMA Processes.
Advances in Image Segmentation", InTech Publications, ISBN 980-953-307-581-0, pdf file
Vallejos, R. , Pérez, J., Ellison, A., Richardson, A. (2018). Constructing a spatial concordance correlation coefficient.
Proceesings of the 9th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Montpellier, France, 13-15 June, 2018.
Edited by L. Bell and J. Mateu. pp. 49-52. pdf -
Vallejos, R. , Acosta, J., (2016). Spatial effective sample size for regression models.
Proceesings of the 8th International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling. Valencia, Spain, 1-3 June, 2016.
Edited by A. Iftimi and J Mateu. pp. 145-147. pdf -
Pistonesi, S., Martinez, J., Ojeda S., Vallejos, R. (2015). A novel quality image fusion assessment based on maximum codispersion.
CIARP 2015, Uruguay: pp. 383-390. pdf -
Cuevas, F., Porcu, E., Vallejos, R. (2013). A nonparametric study of the spatial association between forest variables.
Proceedings of the 28th International Worshop on Statistical Modelling, July 8-12, Palermo, Italy. pdf -
Vallejos, R. , Moreno, C. (2011). Effective Sample Size in Spatial Modeling.
Int. Statistical Inst.: Proc. 58th World Statistical Congress, 2011, Dublin (Session CPS029). pdf -
Miranda, M., Vallejos, R. (2009). Testing Spatial Isotropy by Using a Nonparametric Bootstrap Approach.
Proceedings of StatGIS. Milos, Greece. pdf -
Vallejos, R. , Miranda, M. (2009). The Codispersion Coefficient: An Application in the Evaluation of the Performance of Different Spatial Interpolators.
Proceedings of StatGIS. Milos, Greece. pdf
Vallejos, R. , Acosta, J., Sepúlveda, B. (2024). Estimation of the rotation angle between two images by using the angular cross-variogram. (submitted).
Vallejos, R. Vásquez, A., Ferrer, C., Díaz, R., Marín, T. (2024). Modeling First-Year Engineering Student Performance During the Pandemic (submitted).
Vallejos, R. de Carvalho, M., Cruz, R., Iribarra, N. Allende, J., Casas, E., Marshall, F., Suárez, S., Cárdenas, L., Evkaya, O. (2024). Welcome to Statverse: A metaverse for data science (submitted).
Vallejos,R., Ferrer, C., Mateu, J. (2024). A concordance coefficient for lattice data: An application to poverty indices in Chile (submitted).
Acosta, J., Vallejos, R ., García-Soidán, P. (2024). A penalized estimation of the variogram and effective sample size (submitted).
de Carvalho, M., Ferrer, C., Vallejos, R . (2025). A Kolmogorov-Arnold neural Model for cascading extremes (submitted).
Vallejos, R., Osorio, F., Ferrer, C. (2025). A new coefficient to measure agreement between two continuous variables (working paper).
Vallejos, R., Osorio, F., Vidal, S., Britos, G. (2025). Optimized imaging prefiltering for enhanced image segmentation. (working paper).